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Application for personal care and 121 support at WYZ
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* Indicates required question
Before applying to use this service, please confirm you have registered your young person as a Warrington Youth Zone member.
I confirm my young person is registered as a member at Warrington Youth Zone.
Before applying to use this service, please confirm you have shared the following information on your young person's membership form.
Young person disability(ies)
Any medical conditions
Any behavioural challenges and how to overcome
Information on young person triggers, and methods to settle
Any medication that will need to be administered whilst young person in our care
Any feeding information (including allergies, level of supervison)
Any toileting support
Young person's name
Your answer
Young person's date of birth
What level of support do you feel your child needs? (please note this is to help us assess what level of support your child needs at WYZ only and not guaranteed).
121 support with personal care
124 support with personal care
Name of person completing this form
Your answer
Relationship to the young person
Your answer
Contact number
Your answer
Please confirm that all information on this form is true and accurate
I confirm
Once submitted, your child's application will be sent to WYZ. A member of the team will be in contact with you to discuss the next stage. If you have any further comments, please leave below.
Your answer
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