SCAA Fall 2019 Conference Proposal Submission Form
Thank you for your interest in presenting at SCAA's 20th annual conference. This year's theme is “Connecting Collections”,  and will focus on how we support smaller archival projects and institutions, how we connect records for greater accessibility, and how we can create a greater awareness of lesser known but very valuable collections!

We’re looking for presenters who can share innovative ideas, remind us of tried and true methods, and offer advice on how to be most effective at our work.

Proposal deadline has been extended to October 15th!

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Location and Date
SCAA 2019 Fall Conference and Annual Meeting
Newberry College
Friday, October 25, 2019

Presentation options
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Name(s) of Proposal Author(s): *
Institutional Affiliation(s): *
Email Address(es):
Title of Proposed Paper or Panel: *
Presentation or Panel Session Summary: *
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