Swablambi Yuva Atamnirbhar Haryana
Here is a questionnaire for all those Students who have entrepreneurial mindset and  have passion, creativity, and resilience  to become a Job provider than a Job seeker . By completing the following questionnaire you will assist us  to carve out the modalities to develop an entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Institutions and hence creating entrepreneurs from our Institutes.

Please Fill the all the details accurately.
Name of Candidate *
Contact No. *
Permanent  Address *
Branch/Discipline *
Name of the Institute *
Type of Aspiring Entreprenuer *
If Passed out Candidate , mention year of passing
1 point
You belong to
Clear selection
when do you plan to start your own business
Option 1
within one year
within 1-3 years
After 3 years
Clear selection
Please share  in brief,  the idea  you have in your mind  for your start-up *
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