Time: Parade Lineup at 4:30 PM; Parade Start at 5:30 PM
Lineup: Along and off of North Franklin Street, north of Missouri Street
Route: Start at the intersection of North Franklin and Missouri streets, go south two blocks, turn west on West Washington Street for one block, then turn north on North Elson Street for two blocks and end at West Missouri Street!
Contact: kirksvillekiwanis@gmail.com
Parade Entry Fee: In lieu of an entry fee for the parade, the Kiwanis Club of Kirksville asks parade participants to bring NEW children’s mittens, gloves, hats, coats, or scarves. These items will then be donated to children in need in our community!
Parade Rules and Regulations:
1. Entry deadline is Monday, November 25th, 2024.
2. DO NOT include Santa Claus on your float: Kiwanis will bring Santa to town!
3. All entries must be decorated; Christmas lights are strongly encouraged!
4. All motorized entries should have a fire extinguisher on board.
5. There may be no re-fueling of gas-powered generators during the parade!