MULTICULTURAL CENTER: Asian and Pacific Islander Programs at Lane Community College
Thank you for connecting with your Asian and Pacific Islander (A/PI) Programs on campus. Our office is located at the Multicultural Center in Building 1 at our Lane Community College main campus located at 4000 East 30th in Eugene. Your Lane A/PI Programs Advisor is Kumu Iwalani Raes.

The A/PI Programs office is home to Asian and Pacific Islander Student Union (APISU) serving all our Lane Titans--welcoming ALL Lane A/PI students and campus community to support educational pursuits in degree-seeking, career/technical,  personal enrichment goals, and transfer to a 4-year institution and discovering your place in the workforce. All our A/PI programs at Lane support and advocate for Asian and Pacific Islander leadership development and success.

Thank you for making Lane your home campus...APISU welcomes you home!

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How many credits are you taking this term? *
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Ancestral/Ethnic Background or Identity
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