Please *TRIPLE CHECK* all contact information before submitting, especially your email address. If your form is submitted correctly, a confirmation email will be sent to you. Audition results will be sent to the same email address on or before February 8.
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E-mail *
First name *
Last name *
Audition video link *
Be sure to set your video to "unlisted" or "public" on YouTube.  If you set it to "private" we will not be able to view it!
Which sessions are you interested in? (Don't worry, this isn't binding! Accepted students will have the opportunity to modify their plans.) *
Primary voice part *
What's your skill/interest level with beatboxing/vocal percussion? *
Camper email *
This is where you will receive important camp correspondence.
Camper cell *
Camper date of birth *
Camper age today *
Gender identity *
Personal pronouns *
Parent name *
Parent email *
This is where you will receive important camp correspondence.
Parent cell *
City of residence *
State/province *
Country of residence *
School name and mailing address:
Name(s) of music teacher(s) at your school:
Music teacher email address:
Current grade (2020-2021 school year) *
Will you need financial aid to afford camp tuition? *
(Scholarship applications will be sent out in February to admitted campers.)
Please provide a short summary of your musical experience (1-3 sentences): *
How would you self-assess your sight-reading skills? *
How did you find out about A Cappella Academy? *
Were you referred by an A Cappella Academy camper or alumnus? If yes, please list their name. (If no, leave blank.)
Do you arrange, produce, or record? If so, show us some of your work! (optional)
Paste links of your YouTube, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Noteflight, etc! You can paste multiple links and separate the links by a space.
Feel free to show us up to two more YouTube links of you performing! (optional)
The application fee is $25 (This fee is optional if you submit by Dec 15). *
What genres of music would you be interested in exploring in your small group? List your top three choices.
No guarantees that this will affect group placement, but we're always curious about people's preferences!
First choice: *
Second choice: *
Third choice: *
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