Branding Consulting Agreement
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Name *
Phone *
Email *
Company Name *
Do you agree with the consulting fee of $65/hr? *
Weekly Consulting Hours? *
Do you agree to the $1,300 deposit? *
Bi-weekly payments by mail or deposit? *
What day of the week would you like to be payday? *
How soon would you like to start? *
Electronic Signature *
Next Steps
Jessica Shafer will reach out to you with an invoice to begin services. If you have any questions please call/text (574)780-6144 or email
Jessica Shafer recognizes that the information collected is often highly sensitive material and has adopted the highest regard for our client’s information and will ensure that such information is kept private and never published in a public space or domain. All information that is supplied or shared to Jessica Shafer by or with the client, including but not limited to: passwords, e-mails, account credentials, etc. will not be disclosed to anyone but the client, Jessica Shafer or specified individuals. As a client, you assume full responsibility for all services provided by Jessica Shafer and that full payment is due on your specified due date.

If you decide to end your services after the agreement ends, all responsibilities will be released for updates, fees, and any insight reporting to you, as well as design changes or billing dates. You will claim full responsibility on website fees, designs, and anything pertaining to your company. Not a financial consultant. 
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Questi contenuti non sono creati né avallati da Google. Segnala abuso - Termini di servizio - Norme sulla privacy