A Link to the Past in Minecraft - Alpha Testing
Apply here to become an alpha tester for A Link to the Past in Minecraft! This form is checked once every few weeks. Not everyone will be chosen, so don't feel sad if you don't get a response. Thank you for taking the time to fill this in!
What is your Discord username? *
For example: @casperthepancake
How did you come across our project? *
Give your brief opinion on this project, be honest! *
What parts of this recreation are you most interested in? *
You may select up to 2 responses, choose wisely!
Do you agree with the following rules? *
  1. If you are inactive for too long, you'll be kicked from the alpha tester program and will need to apply here again.
  2. Being an alpha tester is completely voluntary.
  3. Sharing private/secret information will result in a ban from the alpha tester program.
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