Thank you for taking an interest in our study. Please read the information on this page.

We are compiling a public dataset of short English-language conversation between friends conducted via Zoom. In this survey, we will ask you some questions about your background. We will then email you and your friend a link to record a conversation via Zoom. If you do not submit a recording we will delete your responses to this survey. If you do submit a recording, your responses will be attached to your recording and released as part of a publicly available dataset. You will be asked to provide consent for this use of your data after you submitted the recording.

We will ask you to provide a contact email address of your conversation partner in this survey, so please make sure they have agreed to participate (they will be asked to provide consent separately and can withdraw from the the study or refuse to participate).
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Participant Information (please read this!)
This study was certified according to the Informatics Research Ethics Process, RT number 49776. Please take time to read the following information carefully. You should keep this page for your records.

Who are the researchers?

Ramon Sanabria, Nikolay Bogoychev, Nina Markl.

What is the purpose of the study?

The purpose of this study is to compile a public dataset of short English-language conversations between friends conducted via video call. The recordings of audio and their transcripts (and also video if the participant agreed to record leave camera on) will be made available to researchers and the general public via an open-access online repository. Possible and intended research uses of the dataset include:
a) testing of English language automatic speech recognition systems
b) study of linguistic variation
c) study of interpersonal interaction especially as mediated by Zoom.

Why have I been asked to take part?

We’re asking you to talk to a friend because we’re interested in collecting conversations between people who know each other. We are particularly interested in including people from a wide range of backgrounds including people who learned English as children or adults.

Do I have to take part?

No – participation in this study is entirely up to you. You can withdraw from the study at any time, up until 01/07/2022 without giving a reason. After this point, personal data will be deleted and anonymized data will be combined such that it is impossible to remove individual information from the analysis. Your rights will not be affected. If you wish to withdraw, contact Ramon Sanabria (ramon.sanabria.teixidor@gmail.com). We will keep copies of your original consent, and of your withdrawal request.

What will happen if I decide to take part?

We will ask you to:
- Complete a brief pre-screening survey about your background
- Find a friend who also wants to take part and who has also completed the survey.

We will then email you and your friend a consent form and a link to Zoom which you can use to record a conversation.
- Record a 30 minute conversation in English with a friend on Zoom (see instructions for how to record a Zoom call). Please make sure you’re in a quiet environment and your face is visible. If one or both of you would not like to show your face, please turn the cameras off.

- At the start of your conversation, please read the reading prompt provided.

Are there any risks associated with taking part?

There are no significant risks associated with participation.

Data protection and confidentiality.

With your consent we will add your recordings to a publicly available repository. We will not attach your name the recordings but you may be identifiable based on your voice and face. The dataset will be made available to the public under a CC-BY-SA license.

We will not share your name but we will attach your demographic information (age, gender, ethnicity, educational background, linguistic background, country of origin, age of acquisition of English, countries/cities where you have lived for an extended amount of time) to a pseudonymous recording. Please note that this makes your recording identifiable. Make sure to only share information you’re comfortable to make public and avoid mentioning other people.

What are my data protection rights?

The University of Edinburgh is a Data Controller for the information you provide.  You have the right to access information held about you. Your right of access can be exercised in accordance Data Protection Law. You also have other rights including rights of correction, erasure and objection. You will be able to withdraw from the study without providing a reason until 01/07/2022 by contacting Ramon Sanabria (ramon.sanabria.teixidor@gmail.com). For more details, including the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office, please visit www.ico.org.uk. Questions, comments and requests about your personal data can also be sent to the University Data Protection Officer at dpo@ed.ac.uk.

Who can I contact?

If you have any further questions about the study, please contact the lead researchers, Ramon Sanabria and Nina Markl.
If you wish to make a complaint about the study, please contact
inf-ethics@inf.ed.ac.uk. When you contact us, please provide the study title and detail the nature of your complaint.
Updated information.

If the research project changes in any way, an updated Participant Information Sheet will be made available on http://web.inf.ed.ac.uk/infweb/research/study-updates.

Alternative formats.

To request this document in an alternative format, such as large print or on coloured paper, please contact Ramon Sanabria (ramon.sanabria.teixidor@gmail.com)

General information.

For general information about how we use your data, go to: edin.ac/privacy-research
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