Officials for Munich 2020
This form can be used to apply for any or all of the Home Bouts hosted by the Munich Rolling Rebels this year.

Opponents are not confirmed for all games (as of 25.02.2020), but each date is planned to be a Doubleheader.

First Whistle Game 1 @ 14:00 & First Whistle Game 2 @ 16:15
Unless otherwise noted, Game 1 is A-Teams & Game 2 is B-Teams.


⚫⚫ April 25th (25.04.) ⚫⚫ - HR: Obey Jan Kenobi / HNSO: Bouthard

‣ Munich Dynamite vs. Portsmouth Roller Wenches A
‣ Municorns vs. Portsmouth Roller Wenches B

⚫⚫ May 23rd (23.05) ⚫⚫

‣ Municorns vs. SBG Knockouts

⚫⚫ July 18th (18.07.) ⚫⚫
‣ Munich Dynamite vs. Dresden Pioneers (1. Bundesliga, possibly Sanc.)
‣ Municorns vs. Marburg Splatter Fairies

Heads will be announced no later than six weeks before each date, with crews to be finalized four weeks before bout day.

We offer:
-  Travel Stipend of 30 Euros per person (unless affiliated with a participating league),
-  Private Hosting possible
-  Great Bout buffet
-  REFfuel cool box with Bavarian shower beer

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Derby Name *
E-Mail *
Link to Derby CV *
Games applying for *
A multi-day & multi-game event might take place in Munich this season. Would you like to be contacted with information about this event when it becomes available?
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Skating positions applying for A-Team Game *
Skating positions applying for B-Team Game *
Non-skating positions applying for A-Team Game *
Non-skating positions applying for B-Team Game *
Preferred positions (in order of preference)
I need hosting
Food perferences
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