Pupil well-being survey
It is important that we know how every child from Sharp Lane feels and that we support them as best as we can. The current Lockdown will place strain on children and families and it is vital that we know who needs support and the type of support that they may need. Please spend 5-10 minutes completing this short survey with your child so that we can review our support offer to families and pupils at Sharp Lane. Thank you. Mr Smith.
Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
What year group are you in? *
Which class are you in? *
How are you currently learning? *
Which of the words below, would best describe the work being set for you during Lockdown? *
If you have another word or phrase to describe your work at the moment, please put it here.
So far, what subjects have you been learning about? (Choose as many as you would like) *
How happy are you during Lockdown? (In  general, not related to home learning directly) *
Extremely unhappy
Very happy
What do you find most frustrating during Lockdown?
What could school do to help you feel happier during Lockdown?
Are you looking forward to Lockdown ending and returning to school? *
What are you most looking forward to about returning to school after Lockdown ends?
Is there anything that you are anxious about when you return to school?
Is there anything else that you would like to tell us about to do with Lockdown?
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