High School AP Research Project Initial Interest Form
Hi! Thank you so much for your interest in this project! The central question I am studying this year is "to what extent did the COVID-19 pandemic affect the social development of the first grade classes of 2021-2022, and 2022-2023, and how did teachers adapt to these changes?".

I am tackling this question through a series of 20-30 minute interviews with first grade teachers. Please fill out the questions below and I will email you with more information about the study, including the list of questions and the informed consent form, as soon as possible. Once again, thank you so much for your interest!
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Were you teaching first grade from 2018-2023 in the same location?
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If you answered yes to the previous question, was this location a public school?
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Please provide the email address that you would like me to send further information about the study to: *
Do you have any questions/is there anything else you would like to share?
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