E-Wesak Celebration 2020 卫塞节线上庆典活动
The Wesak celebration, which is the day, the three most sacred activities of the Lord Buddha, namely the birth of Siddhartha Gautama, Siddhartha Gautama’s supreme attainment of Enlightenment and the Mahiparinibbana are being remembered, happens this year in light of the terrible COVID-19 pandemic.

Now is a good time to learn more deeply about our religion, no matter what religion we believe in. It is a good past time to have now as it will help to increase more deeply our understanding of the beliefs we have. It helps to downplay our stress and elevates our confidence. Compassion, loving kindness, tolerance and hope are the core values we should strive for. If we are financially able to we can show our compassion by donating to the needy or volunteering our time in any way we can.

As Wesak is just round the corner, do not be disheartened that we are not able to visit temples to show our devotion. We can still re-affirm our beliefs and pay homage to Lord Buddha by chanting our prayers at home or follow online bit.ly/trbsmy and meditate on his teachings.

May my prayers and the Triple Gem be with you all to stay healthy and safe.

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

卫塞节乃伟大佛陀诞生, 证道及涅槃三合为一神圣的日子, 然而今年却碰上了新型冠状病毒的肆虐.

大家可趁这个时候多了解自身的宗教教义, 借此减轻压力提升自信. 悲悯, 慈爱, 宽容及期望是我们所应当学习的核心价值观. 就比如在经济允许的情况下捐助或献出时间当义工.

卫塞节即将到来, 虽然我们无法到寺庙进行活动, 但依然可以在家中礼敬佛陀学习佛法, 如通过网络 bit.ly/trbsmy 在家诵经及禅修.


善哉! 善哉! 善哉!

The Most Ven. Datuk K. Sri Dhammaratana
Chief High Priest of Malaysia and
Founder & Advisor of Ti-Ratana Welfare Society & Ti-Ratana Buddhist Society
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Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
善哉! 善哉! 善哉!

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警告: Ti-Ratana不授权于任何公众代表其收取捐款.

© 2020 by Persatuan Buddha Ti-Ratana Kuala Lumpur & Selangor (PPM-024-14-27062018)
No. 17, Lorong Maarof, 59000 Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur.
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