The War of the Burning Sky
The Scourging of Gate Pass
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What is your Reddit username? Discord username? *
What should I call you and what are your pronouns? *
What time zone are you in and when are you most active? *
How often can you post? *
What is your experience with D&D 5e, Avrae, and Tupper? *
What parts of D&D excite you the most? What things would you want to do more of or see happen? It could be anything as simple as having more options for non-combat situation resolutions, to pets and mounts, to having a base to call your own.  *
What is your experience with the War of the Burning Sky? *
What about this campaign interests you the most? What aspects are you most excited about exploring? *
Pitch a character idea for this campaign.  Please give this question your deepest consideration and effort, trying to tie your character into the setting and the events as much as possible. *
Please give an example of your writing style using the character you pitched above. The scenario is you are trying to enter the borders of a village, but on your way in, a guard stops you and says “We don’t welcome your type here.” How do you react emotionally? Verbally? Physically? *
What are your lines and veils? (Lines are content that you don't want to appear in a game at all and veils are content that can appear but should be handled sensitively or off-screen) *
Anything else you would like to include about yourself. *
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