Foundations of Astronomical Data Science - Beta Pilot Host Application
Thank you for your interest in hosting a beta pilot workshop. We're excited for your involvement in the community-led lesson development process.

We want to choose host locations/institutes for pilot workshops that will most benefit the further development and polishing of the lesson. Factors involved in selecting host institutions include geographic location, learners' primary language, experience with The Carpentries community, and availability of instructors and helpers. Please answer the questions below to help us learn more about your plans for the pilot workshop.

The information collected in this form will be anonymised by members of The Carpentries Core Team before it is shared with the lesson authors. After the authors have chosen hosts to work with to coordinate the beta pilots, they will receive the contact details of those applicants.

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Email *
What is your name? *
Which institution/organisation would host the pilot workshop? *
In which country is the host institution/organisation based?
If the institution/organisation is distributed across multiple countries, please name a country to represent the timezone in which the workshop will be scheduled.
What is your position at the organisation? (If others will be involved in planning and delivering the workshop, please list their positions as well.)
Please describe why you are excited about piloting this new lesson material. *
When would the pilot workshop take place? *
Please provide a date or a range of dates.
If you already know which certified Carpentries Instructors would teach the pilot workshop, please list their names here.
Pilot workshops require considerably more time to be devoted to collecting feedback and data (such as teaching/exercise timings per episode) about the lesson: this can typically be expected to take up the equivalent to one Instructor's time throughout the duration of the pilot workshop. Therefore, we require these workshops to have at least two certified Instructors as well as a sufficient number of helpers to ensure the workshop runs smoothly.
Approximately how much time would the Instructors be able to devote to follow-up from the pilot workshop?
Follow-up may include any/all of the following: providing feedback on the workshop by creating and discussing issues on the lesson repository; working with the developers to improve the lesson based on this feedback; and writing a blog post describing your experience organising and teaching the pilot workshop.
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