Zoe Intern Parental Reference 2023-2024
Thank you for filling out this form as a parental reference for the Zoe Internship program based out of Joy Church Medford in Medford, OR.

Because the internship is church-related and desires to support the authority of parents in young, single student's lives, we desire your cooperation in completing this form. Your reference, along with other required references, will help us in our decision as to accept this intern's application or not.

If you have an further questions, you can email us at zoe@joymedford.com
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Email *
Applicant Name (First, Last) *
Your Name (First, Last) *
Your phone number *
What relationship does the applicant have to you? *
If you selected other above, what is your relationship to the applicant?
Has the applicant discussed or counseled with you concerning his/her interest in participating in Zoe Interns?
Has the applicant had any serious problems in submitting to parental or other authority? Please describe.

What do you understand is the real motive for the applicant wanting to attend Zoe Interns?

What was his/her general attitude to the guidelines given?
Understanding that it is our desire that there be no conflict with parental and church authority, would you be supportive of these guidelines?
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Do you fully approve of the applicant participating in Zoe Interns?
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Please feel free to add further comments about your attitude towards the applicant attending our program.
Please describe any physical limitations, disabilities, or diseases the applicant may have experienced.
Do you have an additional comments or information we should know?
Please notify the applicant of your completion of this form and respond promptly to avoid delays in processing the application reference.
Thank you so much for your help!
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