Call for Proposals: Queer (Im)possibilities in Rhetoric and Writing Studies

Thank you for your interest in submitting a proposal to Queer (Im)Possibilities in Rhetoric and Writing Studies: Honoring and Extending the Work of Jonathan Alexander and Jacqueline Rhodes. For the complete call for proposals, along with generative questions, please see this link.

We invite proposals of roughly 250 – 400 words that tug at the modal boundaries of print-based scholarship, that probe the heterosexist lattice that, still, comprises writing and rhetoric, that provoke the field with the task of queer theory today, and that, perhaps most importantly, play seriously. Because we seek to include as many diverse voices as possible, final original chapters will be limited to 4,000 words (including works cited or references). We invite chapters that are concise yet provocative and generative.

Individual chapters might respond to a single publication coauthored by Alexander and Rhodes, or they might respond to a thread or argument woven throughout their collaborative oeuvre (refer to the list of collaborative publications at the end of the full CFP). Also, in the spirit of promiscuous collaboration, we encourage collaborative proposals—especially collaborations across differences (age, academic rank, gender, race, sexual identity, kink, institutional affiliation, etc.).

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Please include your proposal of 250 – 400 words below. *
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