3D Camera Tracking for VFX Survey
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How long have you been using 3D tracking applications? 
What type of content do you primarily work on? (pick one)
Please describe the title that describes your role best. (pick one)
Which specific 3D tracking application do you use most? (pick one)
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What other secondary tracking tool do you use most in your workflow? 
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How satisfied are you with the accuracy and reliability of the current 3D camera tracking software you use?
Not Satisifed
Very Satisfied
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What are the biggest challenges you face while using 3D camera tracking software?
Are there any specific features or functionalities that you wish your current 3D camera tracking software had?
How often do you encounter difficulties with integrating 3D camera tracking data with other software or pipeline stages (e.g., compositing, CG integration)?
What format do you use most to share 3D tracking data? 
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Are there any specific workflow bottlenecks or inefficiencies you experience when using 3D camera tracking software?
What is your preferred model for software usage? 
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Do you use any cloud based services for VFX? 
If you could suggest one improvement or innovation for 3D camera tracking software, what would it be?
Want to beta test new 3D tracking solutions in the future? Please add your email to be notified. 
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