Progressing Responsible sourcing of sand and silicates at the 2024 OECD Forum- registering your interest  

The Development Minerals Program at The University of Queensland's Sustainable Minerals Institute is pursuing what sourcing standards and practices for silicate minerals may be needed in the future. We have been working on this question with IKEA as our primary corporate partner since 2022. Now, we are exploring environmental and social risks potential applications of OECD Due Diligence Guidance to these supply chains would need with the OECD Secretariat, supported by IKEA and Roca Group. Companies from different sectors and across the sand and silicate value chains have been dialoguing with us on the knowledge synthesis and co-production since the end of 2023. At this years’ Forum we will share interim findings from our baseline study, explore learnings from responsible sourcing of other minerals, and discuss what’s next.

This form asks for expressions of interest in two planned sessions we are working towards at the Forum. Please read our data privacy notice before continuing: The University of Queensland will use the data you provide here to tailor the session to attendee interests, share session logistics and share future developments towards responsible sourcing of sand and silicates. We collect your professional identification information and store it in a Google Workspace with state-of-the-art security through the entire information processing lifecycle. Your data will not be shared with any other organisation. We will retain this data for the period of 12 months, after which we will delete your data. If you would like to exercise any of your data protection rights, please contact : Dr Louise Gallagher,  

Please note - this is not a registration form for the OECD Forum. All attendees must register at the OECD web page: 

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Plenary session:  Wednesday 22nd May, 16.45-18.00 CET

Responsible sand and silicates: implications for due diligence 

Sand and silicates, in addition to clay, stones and other aggregates, play a vital role in a diverse range of sectors, spanning electronics, renewable energy and infrastructure. Fuelling our modern societies and economies as well as providing indispensable materials for local development, sand and silicates extraction are reaching extraordinary volumes making them the second most widely consumed natural resource on the globe, after water. The social and environmental impacts associated with the extraction of these materials, alongside supply concerns, have long been overlooked. Building on a year-long dialogue and research project involving companies in the sand and silicate supply chain, civil society organisations and researchers, this session will delve into the key characteristics and dynamics of sand and silicates supply chains, and explore how due diligence can help address key risks and source these materials more responsibly. 

How likely are you to attend this session in person?

Partner session, 23 May 9-10 am, Room CC15

Continuing the conversation: Responsible sourcing of sand and silicates

This session will aim to advance the conversation around responsible sourcing of sand and silicates by sharing preliminary findings from an ongoing baseline study into social and environmental risks in sand and silicate supply chains. It will also seek to open a conversation around next steps in working towards responsible sourcing of sand and silicates by drawing on learnings from the responsible sourcing journeys and analogous initiatives 

How likely are you to attend this in-person Partners Session?
It will be possible to share your views on responsible sourcing standards and practices for sand and silicates during our sessions. If you have something you would like to share in particular we can discuss adding you to the moderators' lists for the plenary and partners sessions  *
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