Silencing Your Saboteurs Online Group Coaching Event Enrollment: January 20, 2023 @ 6 pm EST  REGISTRATION $99.00
Silencing Your Saboteurs
FREE Group Coaching Session

In this empowering session, Coach Candice Lambe and guests will dive deep into understanding and overcoming the self-sabotaging patterns that hold us back from achieving our dreams. Exploring practical strategies and mindset shifts to silence that inner critic and step into your true power. 

 Key Takeaways:

  • Saboteurs Assessment and Results

Group Coaching to:

  • Identify your personal self-sabotaging patterns 

  • Learn powerful techniques to reframe negative self-talk

  • Cultivate self-compassion and build self-belief

  • Develop practical action steps to overcome obstacles

  • Connect with like-minded individuals on a similar journey

This group coaching experience is perfect for anyone seeking personal growth, increased self-confidence, and a breakthrough in their pursuit of success.

 Spaces are limited, so don't miss out on this life-changing opportunity! 

Invest in yourself and take control of your destiny. It's time to silence that inner saboteur and launch into your best life.

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Email *
Name *
Phone *
Occupation *
Please briefly describe your reason for joining the group coaching session and what you hope to achieve:
Do you have any previous experience with coaching or personal development programs? If yes, please provide details:
Which specific areas of your life do you feel you need the most support and growth in? (e.g., career, relationships, self-confidence, work-life balance, etc.)
How would you rate your current level of commitment to making positive changes in your life, on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being low, 10 being highly committed)?
Not really, just thinking about it
The group coaching session will involve active participation and sharing within a supportive community. Are you comfortable with engaging in group discussions and providing feedback to others in a respectful manner?
Is there anything else you would like to share or any specific expectations you have for the group coaching experience? *
Please choose your preferred payment method
To complete registration. 
Please complete the payment and send confirmation that the payment is complete.
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