Minneota Preschool Registration 2024-2025
Thank you for your interest in our preschool programming at Minneota Public School! Our programs offer learning opportunities for children ages 3-5 in a play-based environment, to gain both social and academic skills. We would love to provide your child's first school experience!

Please complete the following form ASAP to register for any of our programs for the upcoming year because spots fill up quickly and we can plan better for the classes we will offer.
Please send a registration fee of $75.00 in the mail to hold your child's spot in the program. If your child is receiving Special Education services, this fee is waived. Please mail check to:
Minneota Public School
504 N. Monroe St.
Minneota, MN 56264
ATTN: Preschool

Checks will not be cashed until July.  This fee will go towards your tuition amount spread over 9 months (Sept. through May).  Financial assistance is available upon request. Free/reduced lunch applications and scholarship applications will be sent out later this summer. Registration preference is given to in-district children with eligible qualifications. We will do our best to honor your request, but cannot always guarantee that you will be given your preference of days. Families will be notified once registration is complete as to what their days will be for the 2024-2025 school year.

If you have any questions, please contact: Melinda Stiklestad (melinda.stiklestad@minneotaschools.org)
507-872-6122 Ext. 1152

Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
Registration Date: *
Person completing this form: *
Email address of person completing form: *
Child's Name (First, Middle, Last): *
Child's DOB (Date of Birth): *
Child's Age: *
Gender: *
Has your child completed Early Childhood Screening? *
Date and Location of Screening: *
Is your child receiving special services (SPED, speech, OT, PT, Mental Health/Social)? *
Is your child potty trained (preferred but not required to attend): *
Are you a resident in the Minneota School District? *
Parent/Guardian's Name(s): *
Address (street, city, zip): *
Best phone number(s) to reach: *
Best email address(es) to contact: *
Alternative Emergency Contact (other than parents) Name & Phone Number: *
Primary language(s) spoken in home: *
Daycare Provider Name, Address & Phone Number: *
Child's Physician Name & Phone Number: *
Child's Dentist Name and Phone Number: *
Is your child up-to-date on immunizations? *
*An immunization form will be sent in the mail and available online to be turned in before your child begins school.
Does your child have allergies? If yes, please list. *
Other medical information including medication needed at school:
I plan to apply for an Early Learning Scholarship: *
Applications will be available this summer.
Program Choice (please mark one) We will let you know the days of the week once registration is complete: *
Mighty Vikes 4's (must be 4 by Sept. 1): If we are able to have a 4-Day Option due to numbers, would you be interested? *
Parental Involvement Requirement (choose one based on your program) I understand that I need to: *
*Volunteer hours can include helping in the classroom, field trips, class parties, conferences, ECFE classes or helping with events
Will your child need transportation (bus) to and/or from school? *
If your child needs transportation in the morning, please provide location address/daycare name:
If your child needs transportation in the afternoon, please provide location address/daycare name:
Child Needs Checklist: Please check all that apply to you and your family: *
Information you provide will be treated confidentially and will be used only for eligibility purposes. PLEASE NOTE: If none of these apply to you, your child is still able to attend a program.
Family Needs Checklist: Please check all that apply to you and your family: *
Information you provide will be treated confidentially and will be used only for eligibility purposes. PLEASE NOTE: If none of these apply to you, your child is still able to attend a program.
I understand that I have to mail a registration fee $75.00 to 504 N. Monroe St. Minneota, MN 56264 ATTN: Preschool *
*Checks will not be cashed until July. This fee will go towards your tuition amount spread over 9 months (Sept-May). This fee holds your child's spot in the program, but it is waived if your child receives SPED services. Thank you for your cooperation!
Yearly Tuition (Reminder: The registration fee goes toward your yearly tuition amount.)
Sliding Fee Scale (You need to fill out a free/reduced lunch form and qualify for the reduced tuition rate. Scholarship applications are available as well to cover tuition cost if you qualify):
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