Humanities Advocacy Day 2024 Congressional Post-Visit Worksheet
Please complete one survey per congressional visit. Once you've completed this survey, you will be prompted to fill out a new entry.
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Congressional office visited: *
With whom did you meet? (Check all that apply.)
If you met with legislative staff, please list name and title:
What topics and specific programs did the discussion focus on? (Check all that apply.)
Which arguments/talking points seemed to resonate most with the Member/staff?
Which, if any, arguments/talking points were received negatively?
What program or subject seemed to be of particular interest to the Member or staffer?
Did you ask the Member to join the Congressional Humanities Caucus/Senate Cultural Caucus?
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Did you ask the Member to sign the Dear Colleague Letters when they begin circulating?
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Does NHA need to follow up with the office? If so, about what?
Is there anything else you think NHA should know about the meeting?
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