Choir Council Application 22-23
This is open to any current 9th, 10th or 11th grade choir student.  If you are interested in a leadership position within the Anderson choir program, please fill out this google form. This is the first round. Some students will be asked to interview with the teacher and members of the current Choir Council before final decisions are made regarding next year's Choir Council. Once next year's council is selected, a contract will be given to each member to sign.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Student first and last name *
Student current grade level. *
Are you willing to invest extra time, before and after school and at choir events, to fulfill the role as choir officer? *
Are you willing to serve?  Choir officers have several responsibilities outside of choir including the following. Check all you're willing to do. *
What, if any, activities do you participate in that could impact your ability to fully participate in a leadership role? *
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Dieses Formular wurde bei Austin Independent School District erstellt. Missbrauch melden