Blessed Sacrament Church Religious Ed Registration 2023-4: 1st Grade WEDNESDAY
Please use this Google Form to register for WEDS 1st Grade.  Thank you!
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Correo *
Please enter additional emails you would like used for communications regarding your child's program.  If no additional emails, please enter "N/A" *
Family Name(s) *
Home address *
best phone number for contact *
emergency contact & phone number *
Child name: *
Child Grade for School Year 23-24 *
Child Baptism: Church & Year *
additional Sacraments received (First Communion, First Reconciliation, Confirmation--if none, please enter "NA") *
Are there special needs we should plan to accommodate for your child? *
By clicking "yes" below, I give permission for my child(ren) to be photographed or videoed.  By clicking "no," I indicate that I do not give permission for my child(ren) to be photographed or videoed.   *
Code of Conduct:  By clicking "yes" below, I agree to ensure that my child(ren) adhere to the standards of conduct as stated in the Faith Formation handbook. *
The fee for religious ed is $120/child; $160/2 children; $190/3+ children.  How would you like to pay? *
The diocese is now asking that we have a copy of every child's birth certificate.
Additionally, if this is your child's 1st year in our program, we will need a baptismal certificate.
You should receive a receipt in the email account you've used in this form.  If you do not receive one, please check your spam folder.  If you still do not see a receipt, please email to verify that your information has gone through.  Thank you!
Se enviará una copia de tus respuestas por correo electrónico a la dirección que has proporcionado.
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