PVHS Staff Request Form 2020-21
Teachers may request up to $150 per teacher, per year. Joint/group requests will be considered. The intent of these funds is to support classroom instruction. The PTO typically does NOT grant requests for food, parties, or student incentives. The request form must be submitted at least 10 days prior to the PTO meeting date. After award, payment is made (either directly to the teacher or via a deposit in the bookstore) upon submission of receipts or purchase order to the PTO Treasurer.
Date of Request
Amount of Request
Staff's Name
Staff's Email
Applicable Course(s)
# of Students impacted (in a single school year)
Date presenting to the PTO
It is not required that a teacher present in person to the PTO, but our members do enjoy hearing from you directly, especially if there are questions. Enter the date of PTO Meeting if you would like to present or 'Not presenting' if you don't plan to attend.
Reason for Funds Request
Please briefly describe the goal/purpose of the request.
Explanation of Amount Requested
Please provide details of cost calculation/source of materials
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