中山大學健康雲_醫學院健康諮詢中心 CMED NSYSU Health Advisory Center
  1. 本校醫學院及馬雅各醫療服務團為服務全校教職員工,特成立中山大學健康雲_醫學院健康諮詢中心,由醫療團志工余明隆醫師、陳彥旭醫師、 張博智醫師及簡伊廷護理師每周三下午15:00-16:00假圖資9樓醫學院醫IL9032室為教職員工健康諮詢(醫師輪流駐診),採預約制,每人15-30分鐘。
  2. 教職員工需填寫下列表單後,系統會email通知預約成功時間,當天亦開放2名現場(電話)預約(當日中午12點前),若有緊急需求或取消預約請來電通知(3121101#6770或公務機0970-338-842簡伊廷護理師  )。
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    College of Medicine, NSYSU and Maxwell Volunteer Medical Team established CMED NSYSU Health Advisory Center to provide health consultation service for all students and faculty in the university.

    Dr. Ming-Lung Yu, Dr. Yen-Hsu Chen, and  Po-Chih Chang  take turns to provide applicants health advices every Wednesday on 3-4 p.m., at room 9002, 9F of Info-Library Building. Please make the appointment by submitting this form. Every booking is about 15-30 minutes.

    For faculty of NSYSU, you will receive an booking confirmation email. On every Wednesday there will be two vacancies for those making the appointment by phone on that day.

    If you have any urgent needs or would like to cancel, please call RN. Yi-Ting Jian 07-312-1101 EXT. 6770 or by phone number 0970-338-842.

Thank you.
姓名 Name *
單位 Department *
聯絡電話1 Contact Number
聯絡電話2(煩請留手機) Cellphone Number *
性別 Gender *
出生年月日 Birthday *
預約諮詢時間 Appointment *
諮詢問題簡述 Please briefly describe your questions  *
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