Burn Planning Workshop
Erin Banwell and Miller Bailey, Co-Directors of Fire Management at The Watershed Training and Research Center, are offering the opportunity to pick a useful burn prescription, know the right number of resources for a safe burn and mop-up, and defining burn objectives. If the weather window is available, there may be opportunities for a demonstration burn (April 4 through April 6). As in all things prescribed fire, there are no guarantees.

Date: April 2 and April 3
Time: 0900 - 1500 (both days)
Location: Location is off of HWY 20, approximately 20 mins outside downtown Nevada City.
Participants must be able to attend both days.

Things to bring: snacks, lunch, water, mask, layered field clothes, sturdy boots (we will be hiking off trail), notebook.

Covid-19: Masks will be required indoors and if we are not able to physically distance outside. We will also require a daily Covid-19 Self Evaluation which will be emailed to participants prior to the event.

If you sign up and later find out that you CANNOT make the event, please let me know as soon as possible.
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Goals/Objectives for this workshop *
Can you attend both days (Saturday and Sunday, 4/2-4/3) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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