Sharing the good stuff

Civil Contractors New Zealand is a membership organisation which exists to support you, our members!

The Health, Safety and Wellbeing sub-committee of the Auckland Branch is keen to see your great ideas.  We want to share the good!  Let us know what innovations you or your team have developed to improve health, safety or wellbeing, sustainability initiatives, or just general good ideas that we can share.

What's the goal?

We want to share great ideas and practices across the industry to inspire our members to continue to strive for excellence.

What do you get?

Recognition from your peers for a start!  We will highlight your "good stuff" on our newsletter that goes out to members of the Auckland branch.  

The winner (as judged by the HSW sub-committee) each quarter will receive the coveted "Good Stuff" trophy generously donated by CablePrice as well as a prize.

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Your name *
Your company name *
Your contact details (phone/email address) *
Describe 'the good stuff' - what innovation or good practice did you put in place?

Include photos (email to, shout outs, and any relevant info that may enable us to share the good.
What was the impact?

E.g. happy client, happy members of the public, saved hassle, made the job safer, better or more efficient
What advice do you have for others who may want to replicate this?

How would you suggest someone else implement your innovation or good practice?

E.g. call this person, use this supplier/product, do things in that way, etc.


Who would you like to receive a prize courtesy of the CCNZ Auckland Branch?  This can be either a team or individual.

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