End of year survey
Are you a...

...Foster Parent?
...Adoptive Parent?
...Foster Florida volunteer?
...Relative/Non relative caregiver?
...Foster Florida Facebook follower?

Then we need your input! (Whether you're registered with Foster Florida or not)  

Your opinions will help us advocate and serve the foster care community better in 2020!

We welcome as much input as possible!  Where applicable, we encourage both spouses to submit separate responses.


We estimate the survey to take somewhere between 5-15 minutes on average.  The length depends on how you are involved with foster care and how much input you'd like to give.  

Here are our best estimates for each category of people participating...

FOSTER PARENTS: 10-25 minutes
Depending on things like: if you are registered with Foster Florida, if you were matched with a volunteer and if you adopted

VILLAGERS (Volunteers): 5-10 minutes

ADOPTIVE PARENTS: 1-15 minutes
Depending on if you adopted out of foster care.


OBSERVERS (those who only follow Foster Florida on Facebook): 5 minutes

DONORS: 5 minutes
(This time is in addition to any previous sections that apply to you)

There is a progress bar that will appear along the bottom of your screen to give you an idea of where you are in the process.  Keep in mind that it may jump from 1% to 80% from one screen to another as it skips sections that do not apply to you based on your responses (so take it with a grain of salt).

Thank you again for your participation!  Please enter your email below and you will be directed to the Privacy Policy governing the use of data obtained via this survey.
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