2022 Trunk or Treat Trunk Host Sign-up 

Let us start by saying, THANK YOU for being part of the Trunk or Treat this year! We can not have this event without you!!! Last year we had over 3,500 children come through and we are expecting that number to exceed 5,000 children this year. We can FINALLY let the kids get out and walk through the trunks!!! So we have changed our "route" and options this year!

Everyone will begin by entering the property and onto the "Road Course of Doom". This area will be lined with Car Clubs, Motorsports Groups, Car Meets, Youth Associations, or any groups that want to decorate their vehicles but not pass out candy...OR a group that is large so some are on display and a smaller group is passing out candy with trunks. 

Everyone then has the option to park in the "Drag Bowl" and get out and walk through the Trunks which will be set-up in the Paddock. This is also where pictures are as well as Four Horsemen Concessions. 

Families that don't want to get out, can also grab a bag of candy as they slowly exit.

There are several ways to be part of this event!

1st : BE A TRUNK HOST!!! We need at least 200 Trunk Hosts for this to be successful! As a trunk host, you will bring bags of candy and can decorate your Trunk or area around your vehicle(s). Some people bring pop-ups, trailers, or just vehicles; whatever you choose just make it fun. Oh and don’t be afraid to dress-up! The kids LOVE to see everyone’s costumes!

2nd : BE ALONG THE ROAD COURSE OF DOOM!!! This is a great opportunity to bring awareness to your Car Club, Car Meet, Motorsports Group, Youth Sports, etc...If you have a group that is wanting to get your info or name out there, this is your chance. We have thousands of cars come through last year so whether you're a youth association or something for adults, come on out!!! Your group does not have to split up, its just an option! We would rather have all trunk hosts and an empty road course than not enough trunks!!

You will need to be ready to go at 10:30am, so please arrive before 10:00 on 10/30! This will provide enough time for you to get setup before gates open!

If you have any questions, please contact Ticketing@PacificRaceways.com or you can call the Pacific Raceways office at 253-639-5927.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Do you want to be a Trunk Host OR Road Course Display *
Are you with a group? *
Group/Organization/Friends Name(s) - for placement on route
How many vehicles are you bringing? If you are bringing a trailer, please include the size. *
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