U11 Rep - Prep Skate Sign up Sheet
Please use this form to confirm your attendance to the prep skates hosted by HMHA prior to the Rep Evaluations for the 2025/26 Season.  Please note that only players who were registered with the HMHA for the 2024/25 season are eligible to attend prep skates.

*We are hosting 4 skates per division.  Registration may be capped if we reach our maximum number of registrants.  You will be emailed if that is the case.  Attendance at prep skates is not mandatory to attend evaluations.*

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Full Name of Participant *
Full Name *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
I understand that I am unable to attend prep skates while still competing in OMHA Playoffs *
I understand that HMHA Prep skates are for players that were registered for the 2024/25 Season with Huntsville Minor Hockey and who are intending to register for Rep Level Evaluations for the following season. *
If you have any questions please contact:
Rep Director, Jaime Rudge: jrudge.hmha@gmail.com 
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