Lay Visitation Application
We are excited to invite you to apply for the NC Synod's Lay Visitation Training program. This will be a five part course. We ask you to apply by April 21st. In addition to this application, you need a pastoral recommendation. Once your application is completed, we will send a recommendation form to your pastor to complete. We will accept up to five (5) people from each congregation for this round of training.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Name *
Email Address *
Congregation, City *
Pastor Name & Email (Used to send Reference Form) *
Why do you want to be a lay visitation minister in your congregation? *
What do you hope to learn as part of this training? *
In what ways are you currently involved in the life of your congregation? *
Anything else you want to share?
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