Request Access to BISdex

BISdex contains reviews sources of interest to business information professionals. It's kind of like Wirecutter but reviewing business information sources rather than consumer products.

BISdex is for current BRASS members only. For access:

  1. Fill out this form to submit at least one Gmail or Gmail-affiliated email address you would like to use to access the site. A personal account is recommended for continuity. In order to view the site, you'll need to be logged into the Gmail account that is given access to view the site.
  2. Within a week, we'll confirm your BRASS membership by checking the member list in BRASS Connect and grant access. You'll get an email notification when we've shared the site with you; the subject line will be: Folder shared with you: "BISdex".
  3. We will review the list of authorized users once a year to ensure it matches the BRASS member list.
Note: If you've previously been given access and need to update your email address, please email us at

You can also fill out this form to sponsor access to BISdex for a colleague at your institution who isn't a BRASS member (e.g. a collections librarian). We'll ask you to verify their sponsorship status once a year.
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Is this request for yourself or for a colleague at your institution who isn't a BRASS member (e.g. the collections librarian)?
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