Application: Operations Specialist
This is an online application for the Operations Specialist position at Covenant.
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Email *
Name: *
Phone Number: *
When would you be able to start working in this position on a full-time basis:
Where do you reside? (Enter the city and state if is the US, and city and country otherwise.)
If you are not from the Tulsa, Oklahoma area, are you willing to relocate for this position?
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What is your favorite tabletop game? Why is it your favorite? *
Check all that apply:
How detail-oriented are you?
Not Very
Why do you rate yourself at this number? *
How good are you at staying focused while doing a repetitive task?
Why do you rate yourself at this number? *
How good are your written and verbal communication skills? *
Why do you rate yourself this number? *
Are you introverted or extroverted? *
What do you think the future of tabletop games looks like?
Which of our core values do you embody the most? Provide an example. *
Tell us about yourself and why you are looking to join our team. *
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