Seducing Sallina ARC Sign-Up
Thank you for your interest in reviewing an ARC of SEDUCING SALLINA! Those who're selected to receive a copy of Seducing Sallina are required to read and post honest reviews within 14 days of release on at least one site (Amazon (if able to post reviews), Goodreads, Bookbub, blog (if you have one)).


1. Commit to reviewing within two weeks of the release. (we understand if things happen, but you must let us know)
2. Understand that you can not share, upload or post the book anywhere. (this is piracy and illegal)
3. Be a contemporary romance fan.
4. Like your romances with sexy scenes. (not erotica)
5. Love sharing about books.

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Seducing Sallina -- Falling Down #2
Sallina Mendez was a survivor. Broken home. Broken promises. Broken heart. But she always mended, always came out stronger. Always recovered and walked away with her head held high.

Until she met him. Until she fell into his bed, seduced by his whispered words, his heated kiss, his hard body…. No names. No strings. No goodbyes.

After a night of the greatest pleasure…she found the deepest pain. One night and everything she’d ever stood for had been shattered. And the worst part was that she’d fallen for more than his lines. She’d fallen for him.

Thank God she’d never see him again….

**Seducing Sallina is fling-to-forever, sexy, BBW, contemporary billionaire romance and is book 2 in the sexy, emotional Falling Down Series. No cheating. No cliffhanger. A juicy and sweet HEA.**
Seducing Sallina by Eve Black
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