Social Media Questionnaire
(1). Please fill out to the best of your ability. (2). Remember: the more details the better. (3). If it is a required question and you do not know the answer you may write "I do not know."
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Please list your preferred contact information. Name, Phone, Email, etc). *
Business Name *
Select what relates to your business (can choose multiple). *
What is your product or service? *
What are you wanting to use social media for? (Examples: Grow potential customer base, sell our product, attract users to our website, increase brand awareness, build an online community, inform/educate, etc). *
Who is your current target market? (age, location, interests, gender, industry, business, etc). *
Who are your current customers or businesses you are selling to? (age, location, interests, gender, industry, business, etc). *
Tell me a little bit about your business. Pitch it to me as if I am a potential customer/business. What is your purpose, why do you exist and/or what problem do you solve, etc. *
Is there currently a website? If so, what is the URL? *
What social channels do you currently have? (check all that apply) *
Are there any brand standards currently or a brand standards guide? *
What are the 8-10 biggest Strengths (internally and externally) of your brand/business? *
What are the 8-10 biggest Weaknesses (internally and externally) of your brand/business?  *
What are your 3-10 biggest Opportunities (externally) of your brand/business? *
What are your 5-10 biggest Threats (externally) of your brand/business? *
Have you worked with Influencers? *
What are your experiences with giveaways on social media? (select all that apply). *
Have you used social media to provide a promotion? (Examples: check-in/like/share/tag to get a discount, posted about a limited time promotion via social media, etc). Please describe your experience(s). *
Do you use paid advertising via social media? *
Do you review your analytics on your social media site(s)? (select all that apply). *
If you do review your social media analytics, what do you do with that information?
What are some subjects, industries, descriptions, or amenities related to your business? Ideally list 10. (Various Examples: locally owned. organic products. hospitality. food and beverage. weekly happy hour. weekly live music. historic. retro. downtown view. rooftop. vegan-friendly. oil and gas. etc.). *
Do you have any local/regional competitors that come to mind? (If so, please list them below).
Do you have any online competitors that come to mind? (If so, please list them below).
Are there certain times of the year or week that are slower than others? When are the best times of the year/week for your business? (Examples: most sales November - December. We are busiest on Saturday afternoons and Friday evenings. Most sales are at the end of the month. etc). *
Do you do anything special for the holidays? Promotions, giveaways, new product launches, flash sales, in-house events, etc. (List all that apply). *
Can you think of anything else you would like to share that may be beneficial information for me to know? *
At this time can you think of any of these particular services you may be needing in the near future? (Check all that may apply).
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