Personal Development and You!
Hi there! This completely anonymous survey is designed to help both those who are looking to learn, grow, and achieve through books, podcasts, seminars, apps, etc. and the creators behind them.
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What/who is your favorite personal development book, podcast, app, speaker, etc.? *
Why is this resource your favorite? *
How did you hear about this/them? *
How long did it take you to find this resource? *
Real Talk - Through the guidance from this resource, have you achieved your goals? *
There are a lot of resources out there. Do you trust that you are getting the right guidance based on your personality, background, goals, budget, etc.? *
In general, how do you feel about personal development? *
If you had the perfect book, podcast, app, etc. that would help you achieve your goals every time, what would it look like? No wrong answers here! *
Anything else you would like to add?
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