Sandman Doppler action contest!
We need some help coming up with creative and hopefully helpful ways to integrate the Apple shortcuts app with our product, the Sandman Doppler.

To do this we are running a simple contest! Whomever can come up with the coolest, most innovative, and useful Shortcuts with the Sandman Doppler wins a free Sandman Doppler ($200 value). 

For those that don't know, the Sandman Doppler is a 6 port USB charging smart clock with premium speakers and Alexa built in. You can learn more about the device here: The Doppler has two RGB  7-segment style discrete LED displays, the main display with 4 digits and the mini display with a little over two segments (can display between -199 and 199). You can also control a 29 dot light bar on top of the screen, playing sounds, setting and canceling alarms, as well as the volume, brightness and color of the Doppler. 

The Shortcuts app is available on iOS, iPadOS, WatchOS, and MacOS and is fairly powerful and useful. The different things you can do on the app are split up into "actions" (things that you can setup to do when the shortcut is started) and "triggers" which allow you to automate actions. Both the triggers and actions in the shortcuts app is limited but still very powerful.  Creating a shortcut is super simple and there is basically zero setup!

Some examples that we have come up with: 
-Display your blood sugar on the mini display of your Doppler via a website. Shortcuts is able to parse a JSON and then use the mini display and the lightbar to display this number. You can trigger this to go every 5 minutes or when you unplug your phone in the morning. 

-Change the display color the clock on specific days of the week or month to signify garbage and/or recycling day. 

-Press the smart button 1 on the Doppler to start playing white noise on your Doppler. This can be done with a webhook and Alexa routines. 

-When your 3d print is done, play some sounds out of your Doppler, and display some text. 

Please fill out the form and let us know what you'd like to do with your Doppler and the Shortcuts app, if we like your idea enough, we will send you a free Doppler! 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Do you own a Doppler already? 

If you do, Thanks! We are happy to send you a second if you win. 
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How would your automation work? What would it do? 
What would the "actions" be on the shortcuts app? 
What would the "trigger" be on the shortcuts app? 
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