Calvert Cliffs State Park
We will be camping June 10-12 at Calvert Cliffs State Park, on the Chesapeake Bay. The GPS coordinates of the campsite are 38°24'33.6"N 76°25'05.0"W (

There will be a mini-Court of Honor at the campsite before our departure on Sunday -- we encourage parents to arrive at 11am to participate in the Court of Honor before our departure at noon. The reason we are having a Court of Honor during the campout is so that Scouts who have achieved a new rank can be recognized before summer camp.

The cost for the campout will be $22 per Scout.

The major plans for the campout are swimming in the bay, enjoying the beach, and looking for fossils.
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Which Scout or Scouts is this form in reference to? *
Does this Scout (or Scouts) plan to participate in the campout? *
Are there any adults from your family who plan to come on the campout? If so, who? (Youth Protection Training, available online, is required.)
Is there any equipment the Scout needs to borrow? Don't worry, we probably have it! It's there to be borrowed! :)
At what time on Friday do you anticipate that your Scout(s) will be able to arrive at the campsite?
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Are there any food restrictions we should know about?
Do you have any additional comments or questions?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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