Gertrude Drugstore Online Order
Hi there! We have a small drugstore carrying countless medications for your needs. Please fill-up the form below. A confirmation text will be sent to you after filling up the form verifying your details and orders. Confirmed and paid orders will be delivered the next 24 hours. Thank you!

Note: we may require a picture of your prescription for certain medications.

For any questions or inquiries, you may contact us through here:
Lynne Evangelista - 0918 333 3115 (smart)
Edwin Evangelista - 0917 739 1218 (globe)
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Name *
Last Name, First Name
Contact Number *
Please put dash in between (ex. 0917-123-4567).
Complete Shipping Address *
Order *
Please indicate quantity, name, and milligram of medicine (EX.: 1 - Ponstan 500 mg) Press enter for each order.
Delivery Rates with Our Own Rider
Shipping Option *
If you choose to use our rider, we have set rates per areas around the metro. Rates can be found in the picture above. Shipping fee to be shouldered by the buyer.
Payment Method *
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Thank you for your order! A confirmation text will be sent to you in the next 24 hours.
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