PACC Match Program 2023
We are Partners in Animal Care & Compassion (PACC), a small rescue on the SF Peninsula dedicated to advocating for and rescuing shelter dogs. 

We see countless situations where well meaning families adopt dogs that are not a good fit for their lifestyle and living situation, and everyone, including the dog suffers. We have a lot of experience making great matches because we get to know the needs of the individuals dog and match him/her to a family for whom it will be natural to meet those needs.

If you would like help finding the right match for you, complete the form below and we will be in touch with 1-3 dogs we think will be a good fit! We work with several of our local shelters and meet a ton of FANTASTIC dogs of all shapes, sizes, temperaments, energy levels and the like. By sharing your lifestyle and living situation we can recommend dogs that are a good match!  

Our process is as follows:

-Complete this form (*Required)
-Max 15 min call to answer any questions you have
-PACC shares 1-3 dogs we think would be a good fit, and where they are located
-You go and meet the dog(s)
-You adopt from the shelter, as interested
-You notify PACC if you adopt one of our recommendations (if you don't adopt there are no hard feelings and no need to notify us)
-PACC is happy to help with introductions to your dog(s) as applicable, and can provide up to two weeks of free transition support

Adoption fees vary by shelter but generally range from free to $250. All shelter dogs come up to date on vax, microchipped and spay/neutered.

If the above sounds good to you, complete the form below and we will reach out once its received. 

We very much appreciate your interest and commitment to rescue!
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First and Last Name *
Street Address (# and street) *
City, Zip *
Email *
Daytime Phone Number *
Evening Phone Number if different than Daytime
How did you hear about PACC's Match Program? *
Please share what compels you to open your home to a rescue animal? *
Please share what kind of rescue animal you are open to (check all that apply): *
Are pets allowed where you live? *
Best description of your living situation: *
How would you best describe your home? Please check all that apply. *
How many humans and other animals live in your home? Please list the AGES for ALL adults, children, dogs, cats, etc.  *
If you listed only adults above, do you have young children / grandchildren, nieces, nephews, neighbors that visit often? *
Please share your activity level so we can recommend a dog(s) with a similar level. If interested in cats only select N/A: *
Who will be the animal's primary caretaker? *
Where would your new family member be living (day/evening/sleeping)? *
How many hours a day will s/he be left alone, and where will s/he be left? *
Are you currently experiencing or will you soon be experiencing any difficult life events? e.g., divorce, moving, caring for an elderly or sick family member, addressing your own mental/ physical health, other? Please explain below. *
Are you financially prepared to pay for routine health care, as well as unforeseen medical problems?
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How would you rate your experience with animals? (1 = this would be your first animal or you haven't had an animal for many years. 5 = you have had several animals with profound behavioral challenges - resource guarding, wariness of strangers, leash reactivity, not suitable for children, etc.) *
Little to no experience
Very experienced, have had animals with very challenging behaviors
I hereby affirm that I have answered the above questions completely and truthfully.  *
Do you have any questions for us?
Thank you for your interest in adopting from PACC. We will be in touch soon!
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