WHS 2024 Junior Coach Volunteers
By filling out this form, you indicate an interest in volunteering as a Junior Coach (Role Model) role within West Hill Softball this season.  No commitment up front and no minimum appearances required up front.  

Come have some fun with our younger players and be a role model for them to look up to.  You WILL have a blast!   This program was extremely successful in the 2023 season. 

To be eligible:
  • Player must participate in u13, u15, or u17/u19
  • Player must have availability and means to get to games/practices at West Hill diamonds only or be able to attend pre-season clinics or evaluations
Your Role:
  • You will be paired with a younger age category team (opposite nights as your games)
  • Talk to the younger players, ask them questions, answer theirs, get to know them, be a friend!
  • Support the coaching team with running drills, demo skills, helping with game preps, warm-up a pitcher, throw with players, coach first base, etc.  
  • We would like you to commit to attend 2 or more games/practices during the season.
  • After you sign-up for your interest and general availability, you will be contacted by our Junior Coach Program coordinator for upcoming opportunities, including preseason. 
  • Please respond to accept a specific night availability and you will be assigned to a game of choice
Thank you,
West Hill Softball

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Player First Name *
Player Last Name *
Per your participant's registration
Your Age Category *
Your general availability - DURING the Season *
Please indicate what days of the week you would typically be available (i.e. If opportunities occur on those nights, you will be notified.  You may not volunteer on your own game nights)
What are your preferred Age groups to help Junior Coach? *
Select ALL that apply.   Note: For 2024, Timbits play Tue/Thu, u9 & u13 play Mon/Wed and u11/u15 play Tue/Thu with weekend practices
Do you have a preferred team, coach, or player you would prefer to work with?  
Are you interested in volunteering during our preseason clinics or evaluations?  Please click any events you are interested in attending. 
Are you available to Volunteer on Saturday, April 20 at Timbits u7's Opening Day?
Opening Day is from 2-4pm on Saturday, April 20 and will have ALL Timbits players coming together for the first time.  You will be notified at a later date when sign-ups are made. 
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Please provide any additional comments or information (e.g. about your availability, preferences, desired opportunities, restrictions you might have, etc.)
Parent/Guardian Name *
Please enter ONE Parent / Guardian contact name that is approving this volunteer opportunity
Parent/Guardian Email *
Please enter the email address you want to be contacted
Junior Coach Contact Email
Please enter the email address of the Jr Coach candidate (leave blank if only to be coordinated with parent above)
Your Contact Phone Number *
To be provided to coaches for contact where required;  parent/guardian or Jr Coach may be entered here
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