r/TenseiSlime Suggestions!
The r/TenseiSlime sub is steadily growing and is looking like it won't be slowing down anytime soon!! Thanks to all of you who joined early and stuck around!

As the subreddit becomes more established, throughout the new year we are going to make some changes to better fit the TenseiSlime community. So far we have made some changes including removal reasons and a lot of new automoderation filters! The moderator team has the goal of making the subreddit as good as possible, but we can't do that without your input. So that is why we decided to make this suggestions survey!

By answering this survey, we are able to understand what YOU and the rest of the community wants to see on this subreddit.
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If you have any suggestions to make for the sub,  such as rule changes, please voice them here! We will be reading every single one of them! *
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