Registration Shapers of Tomorrow Mentors
Sharing unique academic and professional experience, inspiration and knowledge to shape the future of young talents.
Тhe Bulgarian Chevening Association  is pleased to announce call for Mentors for the "Shapers of Tomorrow" Mentoring Programme.
The programme is established in 2018 by the Bulgarian Chevening Association and it is supported by the British Embassy in Sofia. 
No deadline for application, you can become part of this inspiring network at any point.
How does it work?
Once you fill in this form , our team will make the best possible match and will share with you by email the mentee contact details and the introduction materials and training as well as future steps. 
It is recommended to work 5 to 6 months and have about 6-7 meetings. 

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Email *
Name and family name *
telephone *
Organisation *
Country *
Profession/occupation *
Profile Short Description *
Are you Chevening Alumni? *
PRIVACY NOTICE AND CONSENT FORM : The Shapers of Tomorrow Programme Team is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy while all the while carrying out our obligations arising from the organisation and implementation of this programme. By submitting your personal data, you agree to have your personal data collected and further processed, allowing the Shapers of Tomorrow Programme Team and organisations associated with this programme to contact you as required for the organisation and administration of the Shapers of Tomorrow Mentorship Programme. You will be able to withdraw your consent depending on the modality used to collect your personal data, in particular by sending an email to *
Photo/Filming Consent: The in-presence and virtual meetings organised under the programme might be recorded and pictures will be taken. *
Please, let us know if you have comment or suggestion
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