Imperial UCU: Marking and Assessment Boycott
This is a short survey for all Imperial UCU members to help us decide how to whether to run, and how best to run, a local Marking & Assessment Boycott (MAB) as part of our industrial action in term 3. We are asking all members eligible to take industrial action (i.e. not student or retired members) to complete this to help us gauge how impactful a MAB will be, when best to operate it, and what local guidance we should provide for members when running a MAB. Some further information follows in the text, but you can skip this and proceed to the questions now if you wish. 

A MAB is a form of action short of strike (ASOS). During a MAB staff members boycott all work related to summative assessment. This includes: writing assessments, marking assessments, invigilating assessments, administrative tasks associated with assessments (for example attending exam board), and external examiner work at another institute where a MAB is in place. For more information from national UCU see: We will produce our own Imperial specific guidance for members if and when an MAB commences here. 

Nationally, UCU are due to start an MAB this month though this is a live situation and may change. As we are also balloting members on pay locally, the Imperial branch could, conditional on achieving a yes vote in the ballot, commence a MAB in our local pay dispute. 
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Will you be involved in any form of summative assessment at Imperial College between April and November 2023?
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How would you feel about Imperial UCU calling an MAB over the local pay dispute?
Please let us know what dates might be most impactful in carrying out a MAB regarding your own work
Please let us know what dates might be most impactful in carrying out a MAB in your department(s) or division(s) (please state which department(s) or division(s)) 
Please add any other questions or comments you have regarding a MAB 
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