SkillsUSA Florida Honorary Life Award Nomination Form
Nomination deadline: January 31, 2021


The hands in our emblem portray a search for knowledge and our desire to acquire a skill. In the process of attaining knowledge and skill, we will develop a respect for the dignity of work and become productive and responsible citizens. This award is to recognize the contributions and distinguished accomplishments of those persons who have been identified with the work and purposes of SkillsUSA. The SkillsUSA Florida Honorary Life Award is a means by which SkillsUSA Florida provides recognition for the commitment and dedication that individuals may have demonstrated to the organization and its membership. Watchful and responsible selection of inductees shall be maintained to ensure the esteem and worthiness of the award. Once an individual has been named the SkillsUSA Florida Honorary Life Award recipient, that person remains an active member of SkillsUSA Florida for life.


Inductees to the SkillsUSA Florida Honorary Life Award recipient shall be those distinguished persons who have been identified with the work and purposes of SkillsUSA Florida. The award will be presented only to SkillsUSA Florida members who have made a significant impact on the field of career and technical education at regional, state and/or national levels. SkillsUSA Florida Honorary Life Award inductees shall be limited to one annually, or at the discretion of the Florida State Director additional inductees may be recommended.


The award will be presented to distinguished persons who have been identified with the work and purposes of SkillsUSA Florida and whose contributions have made a significant impact on the field of career and technical education for a minimum of 10 years. Induction to the SkillsUSA Florida Honorary Life recipients may be posthumous.


Nominees will be reviewed and voted on by the Florida SkillsUSA Board of Directors.
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Adreça electrònica *
Your Name *
Your School/Chapter *
Your Region *
Nominee Name *
Nominee School *
Will the nominee be attending state conference? *
How long has the nominee been involved with SkillsUSA? *
Why are you nominating this individual? *
How has the nominee positively impacted SkillsUSA and career and technical education? *
Include examples of significant involvement at the local, regional, state, and/or national levels.
What else would you like to tell us about the nominee? *
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