Barometric Pressure App's 2025 Rebuild Survey (2-5 minutes)
We're due for a complete redesign of the website and are asking for your input so we can better serve you and the Barometric Pressure App community in the future. Thank you for your support! 
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Why do you care about barometric pressure?  *
How often do you visit 
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Which of the following new features would you find helpful? 
Not relevant
Potentially helpful
Very helpful, for free
Very helpful, and I would pay for it
Extended Hourly Pressure Forecast (14 days)
Extended Hourly Historical Forecast (past 10+ years)
Historical analysis and summary stats of pressure trends
Dark Mode
Ad-free experience
Individual user accounts
iOS (iPhone/iPad) Mobile App
Android Mobile App
Customizable Multi-location Pressure Comparison Dashboard
Data Export functionality (as CSV or XLSX file)
Pressure threshold, range and rate-of-change notifications via Email or Text Message
The ability to track specific pressure patterns in the past, like a journal, and for the app to flag future patterns that are similar
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Which of the following content types might you find helpful? 
Not relevant
Potentially helpful
Very helpful, for free
Very helpful, and I would pay for it
More custom text explanations of barometric pressure in a given location
More extensive or granular city leaderboards
A comprehensive analysis of pressure differences across regions and cities
A blog/articles with expert explanations about Barometric Pressure and related topics
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Are there any other features or data you'd like to see? You may also use this space to comment on how we can improve existing features. 
Would you be willing to pay for a premium version of that does not rely on ad revenue and includes a few additional data-intensive features?
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