UU Church of Canton In-Person Worship Registration
Please complete this form to help us facilitate a safe and efficient transition back to in person worship.  This form applies to individuals attending alone and family units attending as a group.

This will be a new experience for all of us and we will do our best to learn quickly and adjust according to the needs of the congregation. Currently we are limiting attendance to 50 family units as a safety precaution. All attendees must remain masked for the entirety of the worship service. Please maintain social distancing protocols of 6 feet while in the sanctuary. You are welcome to socialize outside the building before or after the worship service.

We look forward to being in your presence again!

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Email *
Your Name(s) - please list all who will attend *
This registration is valid for this Sunday only. *
Thank you in advance for following all of our safety precautions:
Family units will sit together and individuals from different households shall maintain 6 feet of separation. Persons wishing to attend in-person worship must register by noon on Friday for Sunday’s worship service.
Registration is required because space is limited to 50 family units.
Ushers will verify registrations and guide people into the sanctuary.
Minister, singers, and worship leaders will be unmasked during service.
Singers and musicians will be 12 ft from others.
Congregants will not be allowed to sing – only humming is allowed
The following hygiene practices will be observed:
o No handshaking or hugging
o Maintain 6 foot separation in pews.
o Everybody two years old and older will wear masks at all times.
o Hand sanitizer will be available at all entrances and exits.
Stationary offering baskets will be placed near exits.  
Cards to express Joys and Sorrows will be provided and collected by ushers.
There will be no child care or religious education during worship this summer
There will be no social hour. Congregants are welcome to visit outside after worship

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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