The Chemical Record Lecture 2023
This is the Application form of the event "The Chemical Record Lecture 2023" scheduled on March 24, 2023.

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Any of the following actions, or any actions with the risk of resulting in the following are strictly prohibited.
⚫ Recording, photocopying, duplicating, transcribing, screenshotting, or storing a part or all of a lecture without permission from CSJ.
⚫ Recording the content of a lecture and making it available on social networking services or websites.
⚫ Distributing or forwarding materials or videos given in a lecture to third parties or allowing third parties to access it.
⚫ Using another participant's ID or password.
⚫ Any actions that may interfere with the operation of the Meeting.
⚫ Any actions that are or may be in violation of laws, regulations, or ordinances.
⚫ Any other actions that CSJ deems inappropriate.


If the foregoing is in accordance with your understanding of our agreement, please check agreement.  (Required item)
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