Hello! This form is to have your black owned and operated businesses highlighted in an episode of The Pieces of Mi Podcast. You will be contacted via email and notified of the date in which your business will be featured!
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
What area(s) do you service? Or are you able to distrubute goods/services outside of your local area (online/offer shipping)
Business name? *
Is this business black owned and operated? *
What products and/or services do you offer? *
Please provide a brief description of your products and/or services. *
How can potential customers connect with you? List any websites and social media pages, email addresses and/or telephone numbers  you'd like mentioned. *
There is no payment required for promotion, my only ask is that you promote the podcast. Are you willing to post podcast links and or flyers to promote the episode your business will be featured on? *
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